CALL US ON 0407 033 508

Below is a list of independent privately owned companies that stock most of the Earmold Australia products and services.
Please note that these are privately run companies and are not owned by Earmold Australia.



Ray & Pat Mack

PH: 0418 815 278

Email: info@earworkx.com.au

Location: Ridgehaven (Adelaide Metropolitan) 



Greg Murray

PH: 0418 724 829

Email: ggmu02@gmail.com

Location: Angaston - Barossa Region


Unique 2 U

Julia Hardy

PH: 0413 517 1230413 517 123

Email: julia.unique2u@outlook.com

Location: Adelaide and Adelaide Hills


Second 2 None Ear Protection

Kellie and Jason Carberry

PH: 0400 048 027

Email: second2noneearprotection@outlook.com

Location: Victor Harbour and Surrounds


Airhawk Australia

Tom Thornley

PH: 1300 783 128 or MOB: 0415 416 245

Email: tom@airhawk.com.au

Location: Whyalla